Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Doctors Day!

1 July 2024

National Doctors Day today here in India!
Today, we celebrate the incredible dedication, compassion, and expertise of our doctors who tirelessly work to keep us healthy and safe. Your commitment to healing and improving lives is truly inspiring. Thank you for your unwavering service and the countless sacrifices you make every day.
On this special day dedicated to honoring your profession, we at WORD extend my heartfelt congratulations and deepest gratitude for your tireless service to humanity.
Your unwavering commitment to healing, your expertise, and your compassion form the backbone of our healthcare system. Day in and day out, you face challenges with resilience, make difficult decisions with wisdom and touch countless lives with your care.
Your dedication goes far beyond treating illnesses – you offer hope, comfort, and support to patients and their families during their most vulnerable moments. The long hours, sleepless nights, and personal sacrifices you make do not go unnoticed!
As we celebrate National Doctors Day today, we recognize not just your professional achievements, but also your role as pillars of our community. Your contributions to medical research, public health, and medical education continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in healthcare.
To all the amazing doctors out there, we appreciate you more than words can express. Happy Doctors Day!


Enhancing Healthcare for Textile Workers: Collaborative Efforts with Expert Doctors with the Government

On 29th June 2024, we held an extensive and productive meeting with a team of expert doctors at the Erode Headquarters Hospital to discuss the health issues and challenges faced by textile workers.

During this interaction, the textile workers had the opportunity to directly express their prolonged health concerns to the doctors. The doctors not only listened attentively but also suggested practical solutions and engaged in a thorough discussion on how we can address these issues on a regular basis.

As a result of these discussions, we can soon anticipate the formation of a dedicated team of doctors who will allocate specific times on Fridays to attend to the health needs of textile workers. Additionally, plans are underway to intensify medical camps at the community level, ensuring that the medical problems of textile workers are effectively reached and addressed.
The one-on-one interaction with the expert doctors was highly satisfactory, laying a strong foundation for ongoing and enhanced healthcare support for the textile workers.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Internal Committees at Textile Workplaces in Namakkal District in Tamilnadu

At WORD, we are deeply committed to addressing sexual harassment issues in workplaces especially in the Textile Industries across Namakkal District in Tamilnadu, India. To this end, we facilitate, promote, and provide extensive training to Internal Committees (ICs) to ensure they are well-equipped to handle such cases effectively.

We train the Internal Committees and participate as an external member in these committees too. The focus of this meeting was to discuss and develop strategies for creating a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees. We aimed to raise awareness about the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, which mandates the formation of ICs in organizations with more than 10 employees. Emphasizing the importance of a robust grievance redressal mechanism, we stressed the need for prompt and sensitive handling of sexual harassment complaints.

During the meeting, we provided thorough training to IC members on conducting inquiries, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring a fair and impartial process. We also discussed the employer’s role in providing a safe working environment and supporting the IC in its effective functioning.

Additionally, we underscored the necessity of regular awareness sessions and training programs for employees to sensitize them about sexual harassment and the available redressal mechanisms. By fostering a culture of respect, dignity, and zero tolerance towards sexual misconduct, we aim to empower women workers and create a conducive atmosphere for their professional growth and well-being. This proactive approach will also enhance the productivity of business houses.

Also a member of the Local Committee (LC) in Namakkal District, WORD is actively involved in addressing sexual harassment cases and providing support to victims. We are dedicated to working closely with business houses, ICs, and the local administration to ensure the effective implementation of the law and to create safer workplaces for everyone.

#internalcommittee #workplacesafety #POSHAct2013 #namakkal #wordnamakkal #wordngo

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: A Call for Awareness and Action

Today, 26 June 2024, on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, we stand united in raising awareness about the devastating impact of drug abuse and illicit trafficking on individuals, families, and communities. This day, observed annually on June 26th, serves as a reminder of the importance of tackling this global issue with urgency and compassion.

The Importance of Awareness
  • Drug abuse and illicit trafficking are not just individual problems; they are societal issues that affect everyone. Awareness is crucial because:
  • Education By understanding the risks and consequences of drug abuse, people, especially the youth, can make informed decisions.
  • Prevention: Awareness campaigns can help prevent the initiation of drug use and reduce the stigma associated with seeking help.
  • Support: Informed communities are better equipped to support those struggling with addiction and advocate for effective policies.
Understanding the root causes of drug abuse and trafficking is essential in addressing the issue.

Some of the primary causes include:
  • Socioeconomic Factors: Poverty, unemployment, and lack of education can drive individuals towards drug use as a coping mechanism.
  • Mental Health Issues: Many individuals turn to drugs to self-medicate for conditions like depression, anxiety, and trauma.
  • Peer Pressure: Young people, in particular, may succumb to peer pressure and experiment with drugs.
  • Lack of Awareness: Many people are unaware of the dangers of drug abuse and the long-term consequences it entails.

Support Systems Available

In India, various support systems are available to combat drug abuse and support those affected:

Community and NGOs:

  • Rehabilitation Centers:  Various Organizations like the Foundation for a Drug-Free World and Narcotics Anonymous provide rehabilitation services and support groups.
  •  Awareness Campaigns: NGOs like us (WORD in Namakkal District) conduct workshops, seminars, and street plays to educate communities about the dangers of drug abuse.
  • Psychosocial Support and Counseling Services: Like us in WORD, many NGOs offer free or subsidized psychosocial support and counseling services for individuals and families affected by drug abuse. These services address the psychological and social aspects of addiction.
  • Networking Initiatives: Collaborative efforts between NGOs, community groups, and healthcare providers ensure a comprehensive approach to prevention and treatment.

Government Initiatives:

  • National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR): This plan aims to reduce drug demand through education, treatment, and rehabilitation.
  • District Mental Health Support Units: These units provide localized mental health services at the District level, offering support to those affected by drug abuse and their families and undertake various collaborative initiatives with NGOs and the other Government Departments.
  • Anti-Drug Campaigns: The government runs nationwide campaigns to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with seeking help.
  • Legal Measures:  Strict laws and regulations are in place to combat drug trafficking and distribution.
Immediate Actions to Be Taken Among the Youth

To avert youth from falling into the trap of drug abuse and to encourage responsible behavior, the following actions are essential:

  • Education and Awareness Programs: Schools and colleges should incorporate comprehensive drug education programs that inform students about the risks and consequences of drug use.
  • Life Skills Education Programs: These programs should be integrated into the curriculum to equip young people with skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and stress management, helping them resist peer pressure and make healthy choices.
  • Skill Development and Employment Opportunities: Providing vocational training and job opportunities can reduce the socioeconomic factors that contribute to drug abuse.
  • Mental Health Support: Accessible mental health services, including those offered by District Mental Health Support Units, should be available to help young people cope with stress, anxiety, and other psychological issues.
  • Peer Support Groups: Establishing peer support groups can create a sense of community and provide a safe space for youth to discuss their challenges and receive guidance.
  • Parental Involvement: Parents should be educated about the signs of drug abuse and the importance of open communication with their children.
  • Productive Time Management Measures: Encouraging youth to engage in structured activities such as sports, arts, volunteering, and other hobbies can help them manage their time effectively and reduce the likelihood of drug use.

The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a crucial opportunity to renew our commitment to combating this pervasive issue. By raising awareness, understanding the causes, leveraging support systems, and taking immediate action, we can create a society where individuals, especially the youth, are empowered to lead drug-free and fulfilling lives. 

This huge problem can not be tackled by a single stakeholder. Let us stand together and be active in this fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking, ensuring a healthier and brighter future for all.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Exclusive Migrant Resource Centre in Namakkal District- A Public Private Partnership Initiative

In partnership of CSC- E Governance Services India Limited, International Organisation for Migration (IOM- UN Migration) and Tamilnadu Alliance, an exclusive Migrant Resource Centre- MRC has been inaugurated in the District Office of Common Service Centre located at Mugilan Valagam, Opposite to Old Criminal Court and next to Hello Mobiles in Trichy Road, Namakkal by today (19 August 2022)

The MRC was inaugurated by the Senior Technical Director and Namakkal District Informatics Officer Mr. Selvakumar Antony in the presence of Dr. Balamurugan, Founding Member, Tamilnadu Alliance and Mr. Amit Chowdhury, National Officer, IOM India Mission and Mr. Manickavasagan, District Manager-Namakkal, CSC.

Earlier in the program, Ms. Sibija Bensigar from Tamilnadu Alliance delivered the welcome address and Mr. Rajmohan, Program Manager- WORD proposed the vote of thanks.

This is the first of its kind initiative in Namakkal District to cater to the needs and to access the essential services for the significant and emerging migrant population.

Along with Namakkal District, the Migrant Resource Centre will have in Erode, Virudhunagar and Dindigul District as a pilot basis.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

World Environment Day today!


Today is World Environment Day!

It is our primary and foremost responsibility to make sustainable environment conservation activities for a greener and cleaner world into our day to day lives and also important to focus special drive on this mission with various networking efforts!

The efforts on tree planting, avoiding plastics, minimize the usage of motor vehicles can be done urgently at our individual level. 

World Cycle Day is being observed June 3 every year globally! The usage of cycles are immensely helpful for our physical well being and it helps to reduce the emission of CO2 into our atmosphere by not having used the fuel based motor vehicles. 

While WORD is also doing various special programs for the environment protection activities, we also embed the theme and focus on environment conservation in every programs that we implement. We would like to point out two major programs in this perspective. 

Promotion of Menstrual Health Hygiene for Women:

Considering the importance of menstrual health hygiene for women especially from their adolescent stage, WORD implements this program. Under this program, we also promote the reusable sanitary napkins which are being stitched in our center through the trained women and being distributed since March 2018.  We have initiated this project to mark the World Women's Day 2018. We sincerely thanks to Fullerton India Credit Company Limited for their support to design the project and for all the capital support and the initial running costs for the stitching centers by rural women. Our thanks are also due to the technical support from Real Relief- India to help us in setting the stitching center and all the capacity building towards this. 

The usage of reusable sanitary napkin is also helping to the environment as this being made with the clothe with antimicrobial treatment.  With simple wash and natural drying, it can be used for at least 12 months. Even though it is made with fewer amount of nano plastics, unlike the chemical based sanitary napkins, the disposal is very simple and it is harmless. This is just like putting our clothes in the dustbin which would be decomposed besides various health benefits for the women. 

Microscale CDM Biogas Program

WORD in Namakkal District implement the microscale domestic biogas CDM program under the Clean Development Mechanism of the UNFCCC with the support of Fair Climate Network. Under this program, WORD constructed and maintains 300 biogas units as of now. 

The purpose of the project activity is to set up 5,000 biogas plants (digesters) of 2m3 capacity each for single households in Namakkal district where the NGO is working, and in this way replace Non-Renewable Biomass with biogas for cooking and heating water. The project will also reduce methane emissions from cattle manure and will contribute strongly to sustainable development of the rural households involved in the project. A biogas plant of 2 m3 capacity is sufficient to provide cooking fuel to a family of four to five. Namakkal is a biomass deficit region. Fuel wood scarcity has an impact directly on rural households, which are highly dependent on this fuel. Demand for fuel wood and logs from commons and forests have caused resource degradation to the extent that collection exceeds sustainable yield. Forest degradation on the other hand leads to fuel wood scarcity leading to unsustainable removal of biomass to meet the demands. The project activity will attenuate the need for rural energy for cooking and water heating.

Each household will install a 2 m3 biogas plant and feed cow dung into the anaerobic digester. The technology is tried and tested in India and has been in use for many years. By utilizing these various sources of biogenic waste in a controlled anaerobic digestion and combustion system, biogas will be available for cooking energy and heating water. Biogas will be used on a two-ring gas stove which is being used for the biogas project activity. 

There are various social, environmental, economic and technological benefits through this project which contribute to sustainable development. Few of them are: 

Social benefits

  • Reduces drudgery to women and children who spend long hours and travel long distances to collect fuel wood.
  • Reduces indoor air pollution, thus eliminating health hazards for women and children.
  • The project provides security of energy supply
  • It leads to better manure management thus keeping the surroundings clean and reduce some of the disease causing pathogens
  • Reduces the time of cooking and it can be used in better & productive way.

Environmental benefits:

  • Improves the local environment by reducing uncontrolled deforestation in the project area.
  • Avoids local environmental pollution through better waste management.
  • Will lead to soil improvement by providing high quality manure.
  • Avoided global and local environmental pollution and environmental degradation by switching from non-renewable biomass to renewable energy, leading to reduction of Green House Gases emissions.
  • Reduces deforestation, reduces indoor air pollution, and increases use of manure rather than chemical fertilizers.

Economic benefits:

  • Higher productivity of family members as they  have adequate cooking fuel supply
  • Will provide employment to local communities through construction and maintenance of biogas units.
  • The project will reduce cooking time, thus providing women to take up income generating activities
Technological benefits

  • Better technology for cooking compared to currently used traditional mud/clay/3-stone stoves.
  • Better biogas digester models.
  • Training of local masons for construction of biogas units for the project activity.
  • Demonstrations and training programs will be carried out for the masons and end users on maintenance and other related aspects of biogas units.

At this World Environment Day, let's quickly get into concrete actions for a greener world together!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Relief and Support Works during Covid Wave II in Tamilnadu

The wave II of Covid devastated the lives of everyone in terms of physical and mental health, livelihood and with all other concerns.

Like our works during the Covid Wave I in 2020, we are also doing many relief and support activities during this 2nd wave which stated as follows.


  1. WORD trained 100 volunteers in 50 villages as health resource people in their communities. They have been provided with pulse oxy meters, digital thermometers and other essential PPE aids. They are testing the common people in the villages, ensure the health and co-ordinate with the medical care, quarantine measures and treatments. We are also going to support to vulnerable families living in our working area and to the migrant families living in the migrant settlements in Namakkal District with the support of Freedom Fund. 
  2. Conduct awareness programs for the public for Covid 19 immunisation. 
  3. WORD set up a team of staff to offer phone based counselling and to address mental health issues for the Covid 19 infected/ vulnerable. The language would be in Tamil. 
  4. WORD has partnered with Healthpix. Through which the staff, volunteers and the community members can make use of free online consultation with the expert doctors during this Covid 19 lockdown times. 
  5. WORD is about to provide 20 hospital beds to 2 hospitals- one each in Coimbatore and Salem District with the support of Fullerton India Credit Company Limited to increase the covid 19 clinical care.